Error occurs when DI's Instrument Manager Version of Bio-Rad Driver (BRLUNITQ) is less than 8.00.0009. Ask customer to check the Bio-Rad Driver (BRLUNITQ) version in DI. If it is less than 8.00.0009 have the customer download the newest version from the DI website.
When DI creates a data file in the older version of the driver, it creates a file with the .txt file and places it in the import folder before it completes transmitting all the data into the file. The import utility which is always started sees the file and attempts to transmit it before the data transfer is complete, so it fails during processing. The newer version of the driver creates a file but creates it with a .new extension and when it has completed its data transfer it then changes the extension .new to .txt, which is then ready for transmission by the import utility.