You spend a lot of time mapping and creating unique configurations for UnityConnect. It is always a good idea to back up those configurations. Fortunately, backing up within UnityConnect is easy. Simply stop the watch process, click on tools, Click Create a Backup, then choose your backup location. It’s always a good idea to backup to a network location in case the computer which houses UnityConnect fails for whatever reason, so choose a network location if you can. Steps:
1. Open UnityConnect.
2. stop the Watch process.
i. You can do this by clicking the Stop button.
3. Click on Tools
4. Select Create a Backup
5. Choose a location for your backup file
i. It’s always a good idea to backup to a network location in case the computer which houses Unity Connect fails for whatever reason, so choose a network location if you can.
If you require further assistance please contact Bio-Rad Software Support at 800-854-6737 option 3 then option 1.