Service Pack Management for Integrated Solutions.
Bio-Rad Laboratories Unity Real Time solutions integrated with Data Innovations must have “Automatic Updates” disabled to minimize long-term disruption. Even when disabled, the software will display a notice upon login when a new Service Pack becomes available.
To disable automated updates from within URT, please do the following:
URT Client: There may be many client installations, in addition to the one on the Instrument Manager.
- Tools > Setup. Under “Product Updates”, uncheck “Automatic Product Updates”.
Upgrade procedure:
1). Backup the database (This is only for the default URT MSDE installation. If the database resides on a SQL 2000 server, see your Database Administrator):
- On the system where the URT MSDE Database resides; Click Start > Programs > Bio-Rad Laboratories > Unity Real Time - Database Utilities > Backup – Restore Database.
- Make sure “Backup” is selected. Click “Ok”.
2). Contact Bio-Rad Laboratories for the Service Pack at or 800-854-6737 x5. Please reference your six digit lab number.
3).Upgrading the URT Database:
- The database update consists of two files that must be in the same location (i.e. both on the Desktop or in the same folder). URT1dbspX.exe and URTdbUpdateX.sql file names may vary slightly. However, the extension will not.
- Execute URT1dbspX.exe.
4). Upgrading the URT Client on Instrument Manager:
- Schedule with the lab a convenient time since the entire Instrument Manager system will be offline for a number of minutes depending on hardware and the size of the patch. (an average of 5-10 minutes)
- If it is open, close URT.
- Shut down Instrument Manager. Inside IM, go to System > Shut Down. When prompted, click “Yes”. Programs > Caché > CACHÉ > Stop Caché.
- Execute UnityRT1SPX.exe.
- Reboot the computer.
- Verify that all the connections in Instrument Manager are ”on”. Verify data is crossing to URT.
5). Upgrading the URT Client: There may be many client installations. Follow these steps on each computer.
- Execute UnityRT1SPX.exe
- Reboot the computer.
- Verify that you can log in and see Labs\Lots\Tests on the left hand side.
If you require further assistance please call Bio-Rad Software at 800-854-6737 option 3.