QC Rules
- How can I automatically import and monitor qualitative tests?
- When attempting to view LJ Charts why do I get the following error : (QCChartForm: getChartOptions Value was either too large or too small for an unsigned byte).
- Why does the qualitative responses are not showing up in dropdown?
- Why do I get the following error in my Data Innovations Comm Trace: Invalid Point – See Rejection Log?
- How do I delete data for a Rilibak test with a closed cycle?
- Why when I look at my qualitative LJ charts, all the points displayed are on the bottom of the chart and do not fall under any of my responses?
- In the Multi Point Test Data Entry screen, I can not save my data. Why is the save button is grayed out?
- I am trying to add more than 18 analytes for both display of Multi LJ Anayltes and the templates and I can not add it.
- Why does the data points imported or inserted do not show in the Bench Review?
- When adding a new Lot, I am unable to find my new Lot number in the Lot List.
- What are the allowable characters for a non Bio-Rad control name and master lot number?
- I am unable to import summary data during import process why does the lots and tests are created but no summary data is imported?
- Why do I get the following error in my Data Innovations Comm Trace: Invalid Point – See Rejection Log?
- What are some of the troubleshooting steps that a lab can perform first before calling the instrument manufacturer or Bio-Rad for assistance?
- When should a lab stop reporting patient test results and take corrective of action?
- How to establish mean and acceptable QC ranges?