Unity Data Tables
- UDT - Why whenever I launch Unity Desktop (or another program) the Windows installer comes up?
- UDT - What is the difference between deleting a lot and closing a lot?
- UDT - I use an import file provided by Bio-Rad and none of my tests show up in the Browse tree. What is the solution?
- UDT - Is there a Users guide for Unity Desktop?
- UDT - I need to insert some data between 2 rows of existing data.
- UDT - I connected to my existing database and opened Unity Desktop, my labs and lots are there, but my data is missing. What is the solution?
- UDT - why I cannot accept rejected data points?
- UDT - I am getting a new PC. What do I need to do to save my data?
- UDT - How do I view the rejection log?
- UDT - How do I sort my tests in a specific order?
- UDT - How do I setup a new control that I have not used before?
- UDT - How do I change the Lot Expiration Date for Non-Bio-Rad lot that I have already created and I am currently using?
- UDT - Can I delete multiple rows of data on the data entry screen?
- UDT - How do I add my new Lab Number?
- UDT - How do I add a new user or change permissions?
- UDT - How do I add an additional lab number?
- UDT whenever I launch unity desktop or another program the windows installer comes up