If you are in the data entry screen, exit and then select a test in the navigation tree. Click the Rules button on the toolbar to access the Test Settings dialog box. If you are in the data entry screen, exit and then select a test in the navigation tree. Click the Rules button on the toolbar to access the Test Settings dialog box.
From the Rules tab, you can do the following:
• To change an individual rule, click another option (Reject, Warn, or Off.)
• To set all rules to Off, click Disable SPC Rules.
• To return to the default rule settings, click Default Setting.
• To display a short explanation of the rule, click the ruleÂ’s button.
Click Analytical Goals if you want to begin using an analytical goal.
Click the Settings tab.
From the Settings tab, you can:
• Specify the number of points the test must have before Unity Real-Time begins SPC rule evaluation. (Twenty is the default.)
• The number of months (1 - 12) that display on Levey-Jennings charts.
• The levels of the control material you will test in your lab. By default, Unity Real-Time selects the number of lots available in the control product. If you are not using a level or levels, clear the check boxes so that the unused levels do not appear on the data entry screen.
• The number of decimal places (1 - 3) that you use when reporting the analyte.
• Select the Use fixed mean/percentage check box and define a fixed mean and/or standard deviation for the test. (If you select the Percentage check box, Unity Real-Time will treat the standard deviation as a percentage rather than an absolute number.
Click OK to save your changes.